We want to help our customers live their lives with less plastic.
We’re working on reducing, replacing or eliminating plastic, encouraging reuse and recycling.
Our Targets
50% reduction in own brand primary plastic packaging by 2025 versus 2017
All own brand plastic packaging will be 100% recyclable, reusable or compostable by 2025
An average of 30% recycled content across all own brand primary plastic packaging by 2025
Eliminate problematic plastic (defined by the UK Plastics Pact) by 2025
Removing, Reduce, Recycle
By 2022, we had reduced our plastic packaging by 17.5% from our 2017 baseline. This means we have removed, on average, 9,680 tonnes of plastic packaging each year since we set our target.
Some recent projects include:
- Extending the range of plastic-free loose fruit and veg across our stores to up to 75 varieties across 332 of our 497 stores.
- Moving our range of own-brand bananas to paper bands, removing the need for 45 million single-use plastic bags or 180 tonnes of plastic.
- Taking steps to make our products lighter, for example removing 400 tonnes of plastic from our minced meat trays and 110 tonnes from our bread bags.
- Replacing our plastic “bag for life” with a paper alternative. Made in Wales from paper sourced from sustainably managed forests, it is strong enough to carry up to 16kg. Independent analysis from the University of Sheffield has shown this bag to have better environmental performance than its plastic equivalent.
Increasing Recyclability
We've eliminated many hard-to-recycle plastics from our own-brand products and packaging, including expanded polystyrene, black plastic and rigid PVC. This removed over 6,000 Tonnes of non-recyclable plastic and currently 86% of all of our plastic packaging is recyclable.
We've also added front-of-pack recycling instruction to our top 400 lines, covering around 500 million items sold each year to highlight where the packaging can be recycling in Morrisons stores if customers return it to us where it is unlikely to be recyclable in the home.
Eliminating Single Use Plastic
As part of our industry commitment the UK Plastics Pact, we’ve continued to work hard to remove single-use plastics from our stores. Since 2017, we’ve removed 1 billion items.
This includes:
- 31.2 million single-use cutlery pieces across salad bars and food to go.
- 80 million plastic straws from our cafes, boxes of straws and drink cartons.
- 331 million plastic tea bags, which have been replaced by a plant- based material for all of our own brand tea.
We only sell own-brand paper-stem cotton buds and metal or paper drinking straws.
Encouraging Reuse & Refill
We’re exploring more ways to help our customers reuse and refill packaging so they can live life with less plastic. Recent projects include:
- Giving customers a 25p discount for using their own cups in our cafés, and offering water refill stations in all our stores and forecourts.
- Encouraging customers to bring their own reusable containers at our butcher, fishmonger and deli counters.
- Launching cleaning products in water-soluble pods so plastic trigger bottles can be reused again and again.
- Working with local dairy farmers to offer customers milk in glass bottles, which can be returned again and again to our stores. Since launch, this has saved the equivalent of 40,000 plastic milk containers from our stores each year.
Our Contribution